Saturday, April 24, 2010

One man says....

Unknown male says:"girls always want a man to save them but who is going to save us ???? I don't need help im just sayin. Sometime a woman got to hold her own..i.n.d.e.p.e.n.d.e.n.t. do you know what I mean!!!!! Do for yourself. Ok most women don't want to do anything with they life but sit and wait for a wealthy man to ride up in a white Benz to carry them to a better life and if you don't have that ....the point is independent woman is in style now broke girls........... fall back."
This is a snippet of a conversation my friend posted on one of my favorite Facebook pages "The Art of Being Feminine". Several women gave awesome responses. As I wrote mine I thought, this is a perfect blog post.
Unfortunately, we can't only blame the men but, also the women who continue to feed into this new modern world view. It seems that in all of our connectedness i.e. Facebook, Twittter, IM'ing, texting...better, stronger, quicker..we have become more disconnected, more lonely, more unaware of the power of the simplicity of companionship. So some of us become fiercely INDEPENDENT, the pursuers, the accepter of anything you have to give me as long as you give me some of you WOMEN. It is no wonder this has become the new mindset. As a people we have become afraid to have standards, morals and requirements because it could possibly mean we have to WAIT for that special someone. It is sad..this whole masculine woman and feminine man dance that continues to erode the quality of our relationships. This male you are speaking of 'A' has bought into this ideology and I guess why shouldn't he as this is "EASIER" for work, no investment, no planting required. And for the women who accept this behaviour well it's like putting a band-aid on open heart surgery. The irony in it all is that it leads to more loneliness. Men who go through woman after woman, devouring yet never being full. Women who seem to have it all yet remain barren for love. These two people willingly, hungrily giving their bodies to each other with a speed that rivals light yet, never connecting..knowing each other yet never really KNOWING each other. Children are born from these flimsy unions and we are raising a new generation of non-committal boys and thirsty girls. Each longing for love yet never truly crossing paths.

"Good for you with your alpha male! I'm single again and hope to be as lucky as you darling!! Thanks for the response!! MWAH!!" (quote from 'A's' post)

So 'A', this weekend I was feeling a bit SINGLE. I even threw myself a Pity Party on Friday spending hours crying out to God seeking His infinite wisdom. Truly trying to understand what I am missing, I moved through my day sullen. I have learned to cope by continuing on despite the way I am feeling (as those things are so temporary...feelings). I went to a restaurant and to the movies alone. I even saw Last Song, Nicholas Sparks...yeah a LOVE STORY!!! I was weeping in the theatre and questioned a few times whether it was audible. I asked for a sign, something to alleviate this hole I was experiencing. Went to nothing!
But, this morning I read this post, 'B's' comment and your response and through writing my own response right now my soul has been soothed. Guess Joy truly does come in the morning. 'A' you need no luck my darling to attract your man (none of us do). You need only to continue to develop into the exquisitely simple, beautifully uncomplicated, decidedly feminine sweetheart that you already are. May blessings, favor and honor overtake you forevermore!!! Thank you all for being you!
♥ Jodi


  1. Nice one Jodi!! It definitely belongs here so others can see the effect of feminism!!

  2. After speaking about it with another male friend, I've figured it out!! Men have physical strength, their saving of women is visible... women are opposite, we have emotional strength and our saving of men is not visible by the standards they measure by, but it is visible just not as obvious!


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