Saturday, July 11, 2020

Well Being

Hey beautiful soul you, how you holding up?

I remember this quote from Maya Angelou, "You can tell a lot abut a person by the way they handle three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights". These things that once upon a time may have seemed like a nuisance, would actually now be welcomed problems for many of us. This year has proven to be one like no other. From reports on the news, dealing with the concerns of loved ones, conspiracy theories, political showdowns, shortages of toilet paper, and hand sanitizer, often times we may feel overwhelmed before even finishing our morning coffee.

We know we have permission to shut it all down, to take a walk, call a friend, read a book, take up a new hobby, but sometimes we just want a second to breathe. We desire to feel normal even though yes, we all know that we are preparing for a new normal. I am going to be honest here, and let you know there are days that I think "Okay, girl you got this", and then there are moments, I am seriously questioning everything from my faith to my ability to get out of the bed. I realize, that none of us know how to navigate this season. We are all just learning and growing. Yes, some people have become master gardeners and are now eating the literal fruits of their labor. Some people have started businesses and will probably never return to the corporate world. And then maybe there are others like me, who applaud themselves for doing the dishes before bed.

Just maybe doing 2020 well, means that we occasionally reach out to someone and ask about their well-being. Or maybe it means when someone asks us how we are doing, we tell the truth.

Exodus 18:7 NKJV
I was reading Exodus 18 the other day, and I was paused that there was a verse in the bible simply dedicated to how Moses and his father in-law greeted one other and asked about each other's well-being. And Moses answered by sharing all of the things the Lord was doing. It is so important that while we may be physical distancing that we are staying socially connected. We are checking on all of our friends, the strong ones, the anxious ones, the prayer warriors, the fitness gurus, the elderly, and the single parents.

One of the ways, I am coping this season is by using Instagram as a means to distract, inspire, and connect with myself. On IG, I can scroll through cottage bungalow decor, natural hair pages, or motivational quotes. I included some of this weeks favorite quotes in case you might like them as well. 

@stevemaraboli on Instagram

@karlethewtt on Instagram

So tell me, how are you holding up? What things are you doing to reduce stress and to keep motivated?


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Juicy bits

I made a commitment.
I made a pact with myself.
Wait, can you make a pact with yourself, or is that only between two parties? I actually just Googled the answer and apparently since the internet is never ever wrong, yes you can.
I made a decision to develop my writing and myself through blogging. This involves not only developing and conveying ideas, but it includes a willingness to show up always authentically and at times vulnerably.

It is midweek. I sat down to write and seriously could not think of one thing to share. Sounds crazy right?  I prayed and asked, "God, what should I share?". I scrolled through Instagram, nothing leaped out at me. My gallery did not spur any light bulb moments either. So I sat awhile longer in front of the screen determined to stick to my goal.

Noticing the images icon at the top of the blogger screen, I clicked. Right before my eyes appeared every single image I have ever posted in this blog- over 10 years worth of photographs. I saw my grandmothers who have both gone on to Heaven. Pictures of my family, vacations, delicious meals, and celebrations beckoned me to further explore. I smiled. It was the picture at the top that stopped me in my tracks.

This is where my journey with this blog began. My intention was to write about anything and everything that stirred my soul, that brought me joy. I originally named it Juicy Bits of Joy, and now I wonder what ever made me change it. Envisioning my hand filled with juicy bits, I enlisted the assistance of my brilliant photographer friend to help make my dream a reality. I carried a baggie full of strawberries to Cost Plus World Market and looked for the perfect backdrop. I knew I wanted my blog to have a global appeal due to my love of travel both far and wide. I knew I wanted a bohemian flair because I love the look. I knew I wanted an open hand because it implies both giving and receiving. When I changed the name, I changed the pic. But seeing it again today after so long, reminds me of the why I want to write. I put word to paper to convey, connect, and even sometimes to convince.

It just may be time for a name change. It just may be time for me to get back to my roots and rediscover my love for the written word. One thing is for sure, even in the toughest moments, if we seek there is always a juicy bit of joy just waiting to be found.


Tuesday, June 30, 2020

I really really like mugs, all kinds of mugs. I have mugs with my initial, mugs with the names of places I have visited, mugs that are glam, mugs that were gifts, and mugs that I painted myself. Guess you can say I am a collector. Besides mugs I also really enjoy coffee and tea. It doesn't matter if it is french press, an espresso, loose leaf, or in a tea bag. I keep enough variety on hand to suit my every mood. With a great mug filled with some delicious beverage, I like to sit on my couch, you know that one spot that just beckons you settle in and stay awhile. I grab my phone, or a book, or watch some sappy and predictable romantic movie while I sip and allow my hands to form around one of these mugs. Simple comfort.

One day I pulled all of them out of the cabinet and sorted between the ones I still wanted to enjoy awhile longer and those I would lovingly gift to some other mug lover. Once I completed my task, I just stood for a moment admiring both what was now neatly stacked and what was in the pass it forward box.
I smiled. However, my joy did not come from the thrill of the purge or the new tidy space. No, my true joy came from knowing myself and what I love so well, that the sort was not a chore, but a celebration of who I am today. I admired my paint jobs with all of their imperfections. I relished the fact that I left nothing I only sort of liked. What remains are mugs that represent all of the many facets of my personality, my hobbies, my travels. And yes, this is very Marie Kondo as my joy is sparked every morning when I make a selection. But what I want you to know, is that I do not take for granted being able to confidently articulate my joy. I remember what it feels like to be unsure and insecure that I did not always allow myself to experience or purchase things just because I liked them. Maybe they had to be a great price or fulfill some real need in order for me to justify bringing it home. These mugs represent a just because I like you collection, no apology, no explanation needed.

In this cabinet there are no two alike. Isn't that just like us? Different shapes, colors, sizes all coexisting all designed with purpose, flair, and style. And of course, I really like that.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Bowl of cherries

Eat the fruit, spit the pits. 

As I sat at my desk looking at a bowl of  cherries, I thought life sure isn't always sweet and easy that's for sure. I knew I wanted to write about it, but as I ate one cherry at a time, I changed my mind. Just as quickly as the idea came to share my heart about the trials of this life, a new perspective presented itself. Maybe it was because I was simply savoring the flavor and delighting in the fact that this fruit is truly seasonal, you know temporary. Maybe because this moment right here reminds me of the long lazy days of childhood. Maybe it was because although there could be a lot to fret about, I am here enjoying a delectable summer treat. Or maybe because no matter how tough life gets, what I know for sure is that troubles pass and joy returns. This is the ebb and flow of life. And now I am chuckling to myself as I'm keenly aware that I sound like the old folks. They know what's up as my son would say.

As I grabbed stem after stem, I separated the meatiness of the cherry from the pit. I know how to do that, pretty sure I learned as a very tiny girl. A lesson that stayed tucked in the back of my mind like biting into watermelon and stopping just short of the rind. Sometimes we gotta go through life like we devour fruit - eat the fruit, spit the pits. We gotta keep our sift game strong so when thoughts come, some to rob our joy and speak our defeat, others to inspire us onward, we know what to toss and what to keep. Guess life is like a bowl of cherries after all.


New Season, new blog

 It is a season of new beginnings for me.  I started a new blog on a different platform  you can find it by clicking the l...