Friday, November 10, 2023

New Season, new blog

 It is a season of new beginnings for me. 

I started a new blog on a different platform you can find it by clicking the link.

Sometimes it can be challenging moving away from the familiar to a new place, Change is not always easy, but it is often necessary. 

I will always be fond of Blogger. This site contains years of my words. Who knows, I may republish some of my favorite writings in my new blog. 

I am reminded of a song I learned when I was a Girl Scout, "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold". 

I hope to see you over on my new website. We are building community. We are creating our joy. 

New Season, new blog

 It is a season of new beginnings for me.  I started a new blog on a different platform  you can find it by clicking the l...