Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Joy for the Journey

My friends busy with their lives, let me know that our plans for a Friday hang out need to be rescheduled. So I found myself wondering how and with whom to spend my day, That's when the thought came to me, ask God to accompany me on an adventure, Just so you know, that's how I talk to God. I ask His Spirit to roll with me, go before, show me things, lead me, guide me. I wanted to relax at a spa. I wanted to find a tranquil reading/writing spot. I wanted to have an inspirational, mind boggling moment with the Creator of the universe. So I prayed for the Divine adventure, and just guess what happened....NOTHING! Nothing felt different, looked different, seemed different. I couldn't sense His presence in a way that I normally do. I kinda felt like a wanderer, a drifter with no destination. I actually felt kind of lost. Wait, this isn't how I imagined my prayer being answered. Honestly, it felt like no answer, like God abandoned me. 

And then I received a text from a dear friend with a link to one of Steven Furtik's sermons on getting in line with God's rhythm. Everything, well mainly my perspective, changed in an instant. Now hear me, I didn't feel God speak from on high nor did the Red Sea part. But, I was reminded that there will be times when it will feel like God is nowhere to be found. This will be especially true in times of trial, tragedy, and tribulation. The thing is, FAITH has never been based on what we feel. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. In the midst of my day, God showed me to keep trusting Him, keep moving forward, keep progressing in spite of what it seems/feels/looks like.

So now that we got all of that out of the way, let me show you everything I experienced that day. I jumped in my car and drove. I made turns and cruised down new-to-me streets. Some places spoke to my heart, others did not. But what I know for sure is that I could see the awesome magnificence of God everywhere I went. I never made it to the spa nor did I read or write. I just stayed in the moment and experienced His goodness. And for that I am grateful. What better adventure thato see new landscapes while trusting in Him to be by your side. He never leaves nor forsakes us.


Avensole Winery

Antique Shopping


Sunset on the lake

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Enough already!

Is it just me, or do you ever wonder what to do when we don't feel like working out, we don't feel like writing our blogs, we don't feel like prepping meals, or doing any of those other things that we should do? We just do it. I don't mean to sound cliche or bite off of Nike, but sometimes we've just gotta look our laziness, fear, and feelings in the face and with authority say "shut up". Look, if it were easy, everybody would do it. If it didn't require us to stretch ourselves, it would have been done a long time ago. Now is the time to get busy creating the lives we've always imagined.

So, welcome to my blog. Yes, the blog I continuously revamp, restart, renew, drop, and pick back up again. My name is Jodi, other wise known as @jodisjoy on Twitter, Facebook, and Periscope. My purpose is to inspire and uplift through words. And I declare today that I will fulfill my calling. I may put down this blog at times, but I will always, always pick it back up.

Happy new year! My prayer for us is that we will do everything in our power to make 2016 our most awesome year yet!

No more excuses, no more putting off until tomorrow what we can do today, and no more believing the lies that we are unworthy, unlovable and unable. We are more than enough!

Cheers to our victories,

New Season, new blog

 It is a season of new beginnings for me.  I started a new blog on a different platform  www.jodisjoy.com  you can find it by clicking the l...